Chelsea – by Eric Himan, commissioned by Scott D. Carr.
(C) Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved

…this is a memorial dedicated to Chelsea Rose Murphy’s life, by the people who love her…

Kari Murphy

Chelsea Rose Murphy

September 27, 1991 – December 29, 2014

Like a shooting star speeding brightly across the darkest sky, which all too quickly escapes our view, Chelsea Rose Murphy passed on Monday December 29, 2014, as result from a car accident in Tulsa, Oklahoma. No singular moment in time can be a true reflection of such a vibrant, fun-loving, and charismatic person, someone who was truly a gift to her family and friends.

Chelsea Rose Murphy was born September 27, 1991 at Hillcrest Medical Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma and from that moment and the multitude of moments that followed, Chelsea pursued her life to its fullest. She attended Undercroft Montessori, St. Pius, Bishop Kelly High School, and three years at the University of Central Oklahoma. Chelsea’s greatest passion in life was her family. She always found peace while letting her spirit soar on family vacations to her favorite places: Ghost Ranch, New Mexico and Colorado. Chelsea’s boundless spirit for adventure shone brightest when she rode horses with her grandfather and competed in barrel racing.

Chelsea brought an energy and excitement to everything she did. During her high school years, Chelsea’s enthusiasm was best seen on the soccer field, playing for Tulsa Soccer Club and Bishop Kelly High School. She put her whole heart into taking care of others, working with the animals at the farm, and working cattle with her family. Chelsea never knew the word ‘quit’ and was always willing to go first.

She will be so greatly missed. Her uncle, Rick, said it best, “Heaven will never be the same – the sad part is, earth won’t either”.

Chelsea’s light shined brightest upon her family who loved her: her father, Park Murphy and Tina Lowry; her mother, Kari Murphy and husband, Scott Carr; her brother and sister, Joshua and Madison Murphy; grandmother, Marilyn Murphy; aunt and uncle, Betsy and Mark Whitmarsh and cousin, Chase Whitmarsh; aunt and uncle, Chris and Dean Rainbolt; uncle, Phil Butt; along with so many others. Chelsea was loved by so many and will be remembered by even more. “Sister, we may have to say goodbye for now, but not forever. We love you to Heaven and back. Peace out for now.”